Tuesday 11 February 2014


As many of you know, back in the States I play for the Wheaton Women's Rugby Team. As many more of you may have guessed, I miss the hell out of my teammates and of playing the game. However the upside of studying abroad in Ireland is that rugby is all around me. I get to witness rucks, scrums and mauls galore. But much to my dismay I can't play over here. At the end of our fall season this past October I got hit by what felt like a freight train from hell. This girl from Smith College came out of nowhere and I'm pretty sure it looked something like this:

Whoop there it is

Definition of I saw stars that day. YIKES. My shoulder was in a good amount of pain that day (and several days afterwards) and because my doctor's office is full of neanderthals I didn't find out what I had done to my shoulder until December. After an X-ray, an MRI and several heated verbal altercations on the phone my ortho doc told me that my shoulder had been 'semi-dislocated'. I can't remember the fancy science term she used but she said that my bone basically slipped out and slipped back into the socket and the push back in basically crunched the top of the bone. OHHHH. Good to know my shoulder decided to perform a mini friggin magic trick. 

Needless to say I have had to do physical therapy while over here in Cork and I'm technically not allowed to play in order for my shoulder to 'heal'....

All of the feelings.....

Thanks doc.......

Although I am grateful for the time off to nurse my wound, it is honestly KILLING me to not be able to play. I miss tackling and scrumming and hell, I even miss running (who am i?). 

Personal philosophy

What I miss most:

That intense scramble for the ball

When you perform a damn good stiffarm and can see the pain/tears in the enemy's eyes


Even ones that end like this:

Maybe not so much these scrums.....
That face-plant of the front row thoughhhhhh....OUCCCHHHH....there goes my neck.

That front row life...all up in their bidnesssss #propsandlockscandropit

But above all, I miss my teammates. In highschool I did swim team and other more arbitrary clubs so I never really was part of a 'team' atmosphere. Rugby, for me, is one of the most 'TEAM' orientated sports. You literally are playing on the field FOR your teammates. Each tackle, each ruck, every scrum is for them and for me, my team has become my family.

Such a stone cold pack of weirdos

So if any of you Hotsteppas are reading this, know that you are dearly missed and I hope y'all have a fantastic season. 

Until the next post!


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