Tuesday 4 February 2014

Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold

This past Sunday my friend Polly and I joined the Mountaineering Club for a 'hike' in Kerry. I'm using the term hike loosely here because it was certainly MUCH more than a hike. We literally climbed to the summit of a MOUNTAIN. To put it in perspective, for any Lord of the Rings fans out there, I felt like Frodo and Sam climbing Mount Doom...aka I was feeble, weak Frodo and I certainly wished I had a Sam to carry me up the rest of the way. It did not help that I was already suffering from a cold that week and climbing up this mountain in the rain/sleet/snow was probably the last thing I should have been doing. But no matter, I felt like a champion having finished the 5 hour 'hike' up and down that mountain and reaching the bottom in one piece. Not to say I didn't take a tumble here and there....

The entire way up I kept playing the "Misty Mountains Cold" song over and over in my head because all around us were mountains and they were all surrounded by a fine mist. I figured y'all should get the full experience by looking at some pictures I took and listening to the song too.

Press play and enjoy!

Us at the summit! 

Also, while I'm on this Hobbit grind, y'all should take a listen to Ed Sheeran's "I See Fire" because it is pure magic. If any of you know anything about me, you'll know that 1) I love Tolkien/The Hobbit/LOTR 2) I love Ed Sheeran 3) I love the combination of all. PLEASE ENJOY.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Bridget! Blogs are so much fun. Looking forward to your next posting.
