Monday 3 February 2014

I Wanna See Moher!

I really hope y'all thought of Usher's song 'More' with that witty title above...

Fun fact, Usher and I share the same day of birth so I have always felt this special connection to him. I like to think maybe I was Usher in another life. I mean honestly, the resemblance is uncanny....

Pretty much twins

Diverting away from my weird obsession with Usher, I s'pose I should actually get to talking about the Cliffs of Moher. In all honesty I could go on and on about the day I saw the Cliffs but I would basically sound like a broken-record because I can simply describe them in one word: breathtaking. I've been to places in America that have beautiful landscapes and sunsets/sunrises are always something to see but nothing can compare to Moher. 

My friends and I set out on this journey via the Paddywagons touring group. So we got up at the ass-crack of dawn and made our way to the City Centre to board the bus. 

Our Green Chariot

I don't think anything could have prepared us for the ride on this bus. The bus driver was very kind and funny when it came to describing places and whatnot but HOLY HELL....I didn't think I'd make it off that deathtrap alive. Driving through Cork and on the highway was fine but when we got to some of the back roads out in the country I had to close my eyes a few times. Praise Buddha that the seats had handles because I was white-knuckling the entire time.

 Don't get me wrong, I can do roller coasters, spinning rides, you name it but when you are on a bus that is careening down one lane roads and going through the country side like a bat out of hell, your blood pressure would rise too. The one thought I had through my head the entire time:

But in retrospect, I'm sure Jesus would take one look at those roads and the size of the bus and say "See ya later suckas! GOOD LUCK." 

Internally this was me 
*Note when he mouths 'MOM' hahahaha, my favorite part

We made a few other stops along the way but honestly I'm too lazy to talk about them. 

We finally get to the Cliffs and I could not be any happier to get off that bus. But I wasn't ready for the sheer beauty that lay ahead of me. For once the rain let up that afternoon and the sun even decided to make a short appearance. When it peaked out from behind the clouds it literally felt like the gates of Heaven had opened. It was absolutely stunning. 

These photographs don't even do the day justice. When we walked the path to the top of one of the cliffs (literally on the edge...of glory...thank you Lady Gaga) and the sun peaked out I truly mean it was breathtaking in every way because I literally lost my breath for about 2.2. 

My favorite photo from the day. How beautiful is that?!

Posing with the Cliffs!

Like I said I could go on and on about the cliffs but I was immersed in so many feelings that words do not even come to mind, just emotions....

In summary, y'all should go see the Cliffs of Moher at some point and time

~Lady B.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Bridge...if only you could express how you were really feeling...hahaha...feel like I'm there with ya. Keep having fun! Love the pics & blog -Jude
