Thursday 20 February 2014

D-d-d-dancing In Dublin

Hey y'all. Shame on's been much too long since I last blogged/posted/did anything with my life really. Well this week at UCC is R&G week...Raise and Give week which is great because obviously everyone is raising and giving money for charity. Anyone back in the States, for reference, it's like a week long spring weekend...aka DRINKING ALL THE DAYS.

Now for any relatives reading this, fear not, 1) I am of age (hell, the drinking age over here is 18 so I'm pretty much elderly compared to some of these hoodrats) and 2) this is Ireland y' should have expected at least one post discussing the drinking culture...because that is what the culture is like over here...drinking IS the culture...again emphasizing that this is IRELAND.

Needless to say, for the past six days (excluding this past Wednesday when I was sick), I have had at least one drink per night. YIKES. I am certainly feeling quite charitable this week. 


So this past weekend, from Friday to Sunday, a few of my friends and I went on a school trip to Dublin. The night we got there, a pub crawl was planned for us and we went to three pubs and one club at the end. The first two pubs were kind of low key which was nice. I got a pint of Bulmer's hard cider which has truly become my krytonite...SO GOOD. 

Then there was a chocolate tequila shot, a strawberry beer and a strawberry shot

Literally so delicious

The third pub was by far my favorite. It was three stories high and on the second floor they had this awesome rock band performing classic 80's rock songs. THAT'S MAHHH JAMMM!!!

We be like:
Jammin' to Michael Jackson

But after that pub is when the magic truly began. We then went to a club and I could tell with the music crankin' that it would be a blast in a glass. So we walk in and start dancing and if any of y'all know me at all, you'll know that I love dancing. I'm not talking professional, but I love just making a fool of myself (aka every day of my life) and dancing is the perfect way to do so. 


So I end up doing my moves and moving the hips and before I know it I'm dancing in front of this guy and it was like he summoned me to some kind of battle. It was literally like something out of movie, with a circle of people around us, we just went to town.

Walking in I be like:

Then he went straight for the kill shot:
(Crump n' dump it out)

And I was all like:
(Ohhh okay brothah, I see you)

Damn, dat boy's hips did not lie

We jumped on it like pros:

But I wouldn't be dissuaded that easily:

And I turned up the heat:

And then I really burned down the place:

He tried to compete...his shoulder swivel though....

But then my stank face and blades came out and it was all over for him:

Game over son:

Walked off like this:
Peace and blessings, SMOOCHEZZZ

I'd say my first time in Dublin was a success. I showcased some of my best moves, all done in my Bean Boots by the way. I ain't even sorry about it. Other girls were busy stumbling in their ten inch heels and I'm over here all like:

Hookah, PLEASE.

Other than the pub scene, we went and saw Glendaloch, the Wicklow Mountains, the Guinness Factory, Phoenix Park and Trinity College. WHEWWW. What a trip. 


Obviously my favorite part was the sheep

Absolutely stunning: Glendaloch

The Wicklow Mountains


Michael Collins and I (my personal hero)

Although Dublin was jam packed into about three days, I loved every second of it. I definitely look forward to going back...maybe for another dance off? A girl can dream. 

Twerk it out y'all, 

Lady B

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