Sunday 26 January 2014

The Jump Across the Pond

I suppose it is finally time I get my rear in gear and post on this damn thing. It has literally taken me roughly three weeks to figure out/set this blog up just the way I like it...Haha, I'm too picky with all the designs...but I can't help it that they supply so many choices with the font type and color and the backgrounds and the link colors...AHHHH! Enough stalling and delaying now. I have so much to write about my time here in Ireland thus far so I guess I'll give a quick spiel about my adventure INTO the Emerald Isle. The more I thought about describing the venture over, the more and more I pictured it in gifs so that is exactly what I'll use to explain the perilous journey a one young ginger lady went through to get to Ireland.

When I first received news that I would be attending University College Cork in the spring of 2014, I was absolutely elated

After packing literally the day before my flight (good one, Bridget....)

I was finally ready to jump the pond for my junior year abroad in Cork, Ireland! YAASSSS.

Never having traveled away from home for so long or by myself was definitely the most daunting aspect of this venture. It certainly didn't help my nervousness when my sister decided to play a meloncholic Irish cd on the ride to Logan Airport....

*sniffs* Thanks Maeve.....

Finally at the airport and ready to go, I bid my family farewell and was suddenly filled with excitement and glee at the idea of my new adventure. Giving finals hugs and looking at my family from security, I was finally ready to jet-set my way across the Atlantic

The flight took about 6 hours to get to Amsterdam with a 2 hour layover (oh happy day.....). Then the flight to Cork was roughly an hour and a half. Needless to say I was exhausted and ready for bed by the time we landed 

But when I looked out the window of the plane and saw the vast green below I knew it was all worth it

It definitely took me a few days to rub off being jet-lagged and certainly a few more days to get accustomed to the Irish weather (literally has rained nearly EVERY day since being here)

But not even the rain could put a damper on my spirits because I was finally fulfilling my dream of traveling to Ireland. Since a little girl, I had always dreamed of coming here to see the country where my ancestors lived and now I am here and could not be any happier. I could not have done this adventure without the help of my family and friends though. They have given me endless support (and funds...thanks Mum and Dad!) and love and I truly thank each and every one of them. 

Well, there it is. My first post. Now that wasn't so bad! I have so much more to post so I will get going on that ASAP. 

Peace, love and luck. 


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