Monday 27 January 2014

Icky Vicky

Having no classes on Mondays and feeling a little under the weather, what better way to fill my day than with another blog post?! Lucky y'all!

I figure it is also about time that I post some pictures of where I am residing to prove that I am not living on the streets of Cork doing acrobatics for money or whatever....HA, me and acrobatics....GOOD ONE. But seriously, this place is amazing and it's about time I stop being so selfish and share it with y'all.

This is the view I have from my apartment. Note the rain splattered window

In Cork, I am living in the Victoria Lodge Apartments...a place my friends and I have so warmly come to call "Icky Vicky" haha. As Ron Weasley would say, "It's not much, but it's home". 

Here is the humble abode, the bed chamber, place of mirth and magic

This place isn't as bad as it sounds. I live in an apartment like I said which means there are four people all together and each has his/her own room. Not bad eh? My room is en-suite and I have the most darling set up. The walls are a cheery custard yellow and the bed is..........ok hold up, enough of the niceties, I can't hold this in anymore...I have to rant for like 2.2 here....

I am well aware that I am in a different country and I must keep my eyes open and my thoughts broad but just give me one second to be my spoiled American self and explain my first night here...prepare for a lot of exaggerations....

So my first night in Victoria Lodge will be one I shall not soon forget. After having gone to the store up the road for the essentials: toilet paper, tissues, a blanket, know the stuff you really need to survive....I fixed up my bed, opened my window and decided to take a shower after having traveled for so many hours. I had to get the lingering stench of plane off of my body as soon as possible. 


But much to my dismay, the shower is literally a square box that is barely meant for one person. Definition of have to squeeze myself through the doors


And because this vessel is so small and the shower head faces the opening, water got all over the floor as soon as I opened the door and turned the shower on....

Needless to say I finished that up real quick. But as soon as I opened the bathroom door I got walloped by cold air. I had forgotten to close the damn window. I mean Ireland doesn't really get snow so we're not talking single digits temperature but when you are soaking wet from a shower and the cold, wet air from outside creeps into the're gonna feel a little chilly. 

So I bundled up in several layers, shut the window and attempted to turn the heater on. YIKES. Never have I felt more incompetent than trying to figure that damn heater out. Too many numbers and dials.

Keeping in mind that I don't have a comforter, just a few fleece blankets, I 'snuggled' into bed for the night. I eventually dozed off but woke up within two hours of falling asleep and still felt like I was in an icebox.

What the devil is going on here?!

As makeshift blankets I grabbed the two towels I brought and several thick sweatshirts and burrowed myself in those. Actually had to make a nest for myself because I was that cold.

To make matters worse, I woke up four hours later literally sweating to death because the heater decided to work and I was buried under a mountain of heat. 

Literally dripping sweat

I clearly was not winning the battle that night. Too hot, too cold? No happy medium for this gal. The next day however, made up for all of my troubles that night because I finally laid my eyes on the school I would be attending for the next five months.

I pretty much go to Hogwarts now

Despite my trials and tribulations that first night, it absolutely was worth it. I now can slide in and out of the shower like a pro without getting any water anywhere and I am the master of the heater now. I feel like a wizard. HUZZAH! Although we jokingly call this place "Icky Vicky", I have actually begun to grow fond of Vic Lodge. I have a wonderful view from my window, I get a single room (with a double bed as an added bonus), and I AM IN IRELAND.

Until the next post (which will be tomorrow...still have so much to catch y'all up on), 


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