Saturday 29 March 2014

I'm Going Down.....Unable to Yell Timber

It has been ages since I've posted...I'm the absolute worst, the worst, the worst in the world. But I have a valid excuse! Lo and behold, these last few weeks have found me in a rather peculiar predicament. I, Bridget Brennan, have actually had work to do.

What is this sorcery?!

I can honestly say that since I've started classes at University College Cork I have done minimal least compared to work back home. Last semester at Wheaton was one of the more stressful semesters I have had yet. Having exams, lab reports or some kind of homework assignment due every week I would say going into Christmas break after fall semester, I was the definition of burnt out and the ability to escape it with Ireland was freeing.

But the time has come now for me to get my rear in gear and get down to business to defeat my assignments. That's probably why I decided to post now...I'M PROCRASTINATING. I have already written two essays, am currently writing one essay and have one more due. Let's not forget about exams in May! OH HAPPY DAY! It's really not all that bad, it's just been hard getting back into that 'schoolwork' mindset. Although I realize that I am in Ireland to study, junior year abroad has certainly been so much more for me. I have had the ability to travel in a foreign country and have come to love Ireland. But I digress.....

So writing all these essays has certainly left me re-evaluating my mental state. Frustration abound. 

And I have had every emotion and feeling whilst pouring my heart and soul onto my computer. Shall I describe to you all the stages I have been through these past few weeks? I think I shall......

First stage: DENIAL

Second stage: REALITY SETS IN

Followed by Third stage: PANIC

Fourth stage: HELPLESS PANIC

Fifth stage: CRYING

Fifth stage Part 2: CRYING SOME MORE

Fifth stage Part 3: ETERNAL CRYING









Fourteenth stage: DREAMS OF DRINKING


Shortly followed by Sixteenth stage: PURE ANGER

and Seventeenth stage: INSANITY

 Eighteenth stage: FINALIZING THE ESSAY


Twentieth stage: SUBMITTING ESSAY

Almost always followed by sweet, SWEET JUBILATION

All in all I was quite 'Happy' to be rid of the damn assignments

^^^click won't regret.....go on.....DO IT^^^

So that is what I have been doing with my life as of late. A cyclical, emotional and downright unreal state of being. Although I must confess, amongst the tears, the rage and the reading I have slipped and watched the ENTIRE three series of the BBC show "Sherlock". IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED THIS SHOW YET, DROP EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW AND WAAATTCCHHH ITTTT. YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!! 

^reason enough to watch^

As a sidebar though, even after I'm through with my essays, I still have to pack and mentally prepare myself for my trip to Portugal in early April as I will be studying ecology there for a week! *Insert heavy breathing*

Wish me luck and safe travels! 

Until the next post, 

Wednesday 5 March 2014

These Are a Few of My Most Favorite "Tings"

Having lived in Cork since the new year (quite literally because I got here on 1 January) I have, for the most part, acclimated to life in Ireland. By doing so I have discovered how much I truly love this country. Don't get me wrong, I love's a great country and all, but studying abroad has taught me to broaden my horizons and I have learned that I don't have to live in one place my whole life. There is a big wide world out there and I've just gotten a taste of it this semester.

Ireland is quite simply one of the most beautiful places I have seen (granted, I haven't really been anywhere else outside of the States, but compared to there Ireland has such a richness and rawness about it). The rolling green fields, the livestock roaming, the misty celtic seas....I couldn't ask for more.

So I've decided, for this blog post, to tell y'all the top ten 'tings' I love most about Ireland.

10.) What is most captivating about this country is its landscape. I've been on a few bus trips around the country now and EVERY time, without fail, as much as I just want to pass out and sleep on the ride, my face is always glued to the window just soaking in the beauty of the countryside.

9.) FOOD. Food over here is so fresh it's unreal. I mean if any of y'all know me, you know I love cheese. Ireland's main food industry, other than beef, is dairy. MY KIND OF PLACE. 

My philosophy.

And don't even get me started on the butter....they have a freakin' museum called "The Butter Museum"....LIFE IS SO GOOD.

8.) Tesco supermarket. I'm aware this isn't just an Ireland thing but no matter, it's still IN Ireland therefore I can add it to my list. I do a lot of my shopping here as it is cheap and and they have fresh food. If any of y'all back home know the glory and majesty of a Market Basket, and my undying love for the good ol' MB, Tesco is kind of like that....aka my safe haven. 

Walking in with my little basket and budget is truly a highlight of my week. Every isle brings a new surprise and I be like:

Sales on sales on sales

7.) SHEEP AND COWS. Nuff said.....
Oh god....I can't
Look at that face. CUTENESS.OVERLOAD.

6.) The music style. Ok, so even before I came here the Irish music was always a favorite of mine but being able to sit in a pub and listen to traditional Irish music is a whole other experience and one that I will cherish for a long time to come. 

So this is something I would listen to back home. Oh god, The High Kings...SO GOOD. Also the Brennan Bros (of course), Celtic Thunder....the usual suspects.

But going into some pubs when they play traditional Irish music, I have the enjoyment and pleasure of hearing this. Oh lord, so good. 

Ok, so I love the sound of the tin whistle and I tried to find a traditional Irish performance but I stumbled upon this GEM of a video....disregard the 40 second intro of dramatic walking...or don't. Either way, this video is cinematic GOLD. The smoking of pipes really just adds to the excitement. Press play and enjoy. 

5.) As evidenced by The High Kings, you bet your bottom dollar that one of the things I love here are the Irish men. I'M NOT SORRY FOR SAYING IT. Whether it be the accent or the Irish twinkle in their eyes, I'm always captivated....going back home is going to be ROUGH.


4.) Guinness. Oh god, GUINNESS. I can't even. That is all. 

"And remember, there's a little bit of Arthur in every pint."

3.) Following up with the Guinness, I love the pubs/drinking culture. I'm of Irish descent so I already have it in my blood to enjoy the liquor, haha. I can listen to traditional Irish music or I can jam to my usual Pitbull or Jason Derulo. It's literally the best of both worlds because there are so many choices for pubs here. And obviously if there is dancing.....

Pubs are literally the best places on earth. Drinking, meeting new people, know, the usual.

I do have to say, the first time I saw the price of a pint...
*Holy Hell*

But after a few pints the price seems to dissolve and before I know it I'm all up in the bartender's bidness...
*Make it rain*

And my crew and I be like:

Until I wake up the next day and look at all of my receipts.......
Sweet merciful baby Jesus

Thankfully I only made that mistake the first week. I've learned better. Only get one or two drinks at the pub....there is a limit....otherwise I have to say "Zoom in on my empty wallet."

2.) I absolutely adore the people of this country. Everyone here is so kind (and I truly mean that). Encompassed in this category are the sayings of the Irish people like "Oh that's grand" or when I apologize (which is excessive) they say "No bother love". But my all time favorite is when I'll be buying groceries and at the checkout the cashier will say, "Tanks a million". Nothing makes me melt more than that. 

Warm and fuzzies

1.) Ok so as lame as I'm about to sound, my favorite thing is just Ireland in general. I still can't believe I'm living here. Way back when I was a young'un, I had always dreamed of seeing the green shores of Eire and low and behold I am here now for five months. I remember walking back to my room after getting my acceptance letter from UCC and just being like:


*Calling my best friend* 

I have honestly never felt more at home than I do here in Cork. Not saying that I don't miss home because I miss home like crazy. The worst was when I had to say goodbye to my best friend and her eyes just looked like they were saying:

I probably miss her the most, obviously other than my family. Missing my little squatchlet siblings and my parents. But with that, everyone over here treats you like family and that's why I love this place so much. I cannot emphasize enough, EVERYONE, at some point in their lives needs to visit Ireland. You will fall in love ten times over. 

